/* Audio-Lvls.rexx V1.3 -- Changes the audio volumes of a project in many ways, Absolute, Proportional or Relative. Try Proportional - it maintains your mixing balance by adjusting by percentages.
This routine allows a variety of methods to select the clips you wish to affect. (e.g. Video or audio clips, channel assignment, and audio ON or OFF)
Note: This routine operates only on clips starting at the highlighted one through to either a STOP crouton or the end of project. Place a STOP crouton (found in Effects/Control folder) into your project, if you wish to limit this routine.
call remlib('PROJECT_REXX_PORT')
call addlib('PROJECT_REXX_PORT',0)
call croutonpick(start_loc)
current_spot=start_loc /*was 0 */
progsign=" "
/* --- wait for any screen update delay --- */
call time('R')
do while (time('E')<0.5)
call req_open("Group Levels - by Aussie","------------------------","Controls audio volumes in many ways.","From SELECTED icon to END (or STOP icon)")
test=req_tell("First you pick your mixing style"," "," ")
call req_close()
if test~=1 then call quit()
call req_open("Audio Levels - by Aussie","1:Absolute (force levels to = setting)","2:Proportional (adjust by % value) ","3:Relative (adjust by +/- value) ")